Unlocking Abundance


A series of chakra energy-clearing mediations and video lessons to attract more money and abundance into your life.

It’s about time you became a magnet for RECEIVING


Are you stuck in a one-step forward, two-step back relationship with money, and no matter how hard you work or how much money you make, you just never seem to have enough? 

Do you fear leaving the job you hate to start your own soul-aligned business?  Do you stop yourself from buying things just because they aren't on sale?  Or maybe you feel  . . .   


  • I’m afraid that having lots of money will make me a bad person.
  • I don’t want to ask for what I want because I’ll be judged.
  • I feel guilty for wanting more money when so many others are suffering.
  • I hear people say to trust the Universe to bring me new clients but that never works for me.
  • I feel I always have to "justify" to others when I want to spend money on myself.
  • I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I'm jealous of people who are wealthy.
  • Other people make lots of money because they are good at something special but I don’t know what I’m good at.
  • I hate that I grew up without a lot of money because now I’m just clueless about finances.
  • I’ve lost money in the past so now I’m afraid of making bad decisions.
  • I hide how much I spend from my partner.


If you are stuck when it comes to wealth and prosperity,  

then Unlocking Abundance is for you!



If you’re anything like me before I became an energy healer, then you’ve taken all the money mindset courses, listened to every podcast out there, and faithfully repeated 20 money affirmations every day but STILL feel you never have enough money to travel, you don’t know how to make money doing what you love, or you feel stuck in a “secure” job you hate.  This is because you’ve just scratched the surface and haven’t gone to the root of what is specifically causing the problem in the first place.  


The root of every problem is in your energetic field.


The hidden beliefs deep inside your aura and your subconscious mind are what really control how much money you have in your bank account right now.  The energy of your thoughts and beliefs are magnets that either attract or repel abundance in the form of money, jobs, people, and opportunities.


These subconscious beliefs are stored inside the layers of your energy field.  More specifically, these beliefs are hidden inside each chakra far beyond your thinking mind.  This is why money mindset work alone does not create more money and abundance.


Once you clear the specific limiting beliefs, societal conditioning, childhood programming, and ancestral wounds stuck in your chakras, you will naturally shift from “never enough” to knowing “there is always more than enough”.


Imagine a future where . . . 


  • You don't fret when the unexpected tax bill arrives.  Because just like the tide, you trust that as money flows out, it always flows back in.
  • You joyfully pick up the dinner check for your family and friends.
  • You love your purpose-filled business and easily attract aligned clients who happily pay you lots of money just for being you.
  • You enjoy travel adventures all over the world.
  • You don't like awake at night worrying how you're going to pay for your children’s education.
  • You feel the freedom to buy all the facials and massages you want without feeling you need “permission” from your partner.
  • You can sleep well at night with six figures in your bank account because you trust yourself to make good money decisions.
  • You happily donate to your favorite dog sanctuary without batting an eye.
  • You never worry about money again because you have EVIDENCE that there is always more where that came from.


If you’ve tried all the things to attract more money and abundance into your life and nothing else has worked, then Unlocking Abundance is for you.  The best part is all you have to do is pop on your headphones and push play and I will do all of the energy clearing and subconscious reprogramming for you!




You’ll receive:


  • 7 chakra energy-clearing meditations to release limiting beliefs, family programming, societal conditioning, and ancestral wounds blocking your natural state of prosperity
  • 7 video teachings to learn about the different kinds of blocks in each chakra and how they might be blocking your abundance
  • Prosperity affirmations for each chakra that actually work (because we've done the clearing first!)
  • A special bonus hypnosis session to support the subconscious mind in integrating your new abundant mindset
  • Lifetime access so you can listen to these meditations over and over whenever you need them 


Missy's Tip:  Download the Kajabi app so that you can listen to these meditations on the go!

Full Payment


Unlocking Abundance

Lifetime Access

Two Monthly Payments


Unlocking Abundance

Lifetime Access

If you have any questions, my team and I are here to help! 

[email protected]


Energy work is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and is intended to be used as a a complement to Eastern and Western medicine and traditional therapy.