Empath Visibility Accelerator


Introducing the Empath Visibility Accelerator (EVA for short), a 12-week course specifically for empath and HSP leaders, entrepreneurs and visionaries who are ready to stop being scared and start being visible.

Say hello to the new path for showing up in your full light, unafraid, unapologetic and ready to change the world.


It’s about time you got comfortable being visible, because the world needs your gifts


A 12-week course for HSP and empath leaders, entrepreneurs, and visionaries who are tired of playing timid good girl on the sideline and are ready to boldly step into and share their mission, their gifts, and their light with the world.


Imagine it’s 3 months from now, and you feel comfortable speaking up online, inspiring others, confidently setting boundaries and charging higher rates or negotiating that promotion or raise, doing more public speaking, and that you truly, finally saw yourself as a thought leader, an expert in your field, and somebody who can genuinely change lives.


Welcome to the Empath Visibility Accelerator!

Are you an empath or a highly sensitive person who feels a purpose, a bigger calling in the world? Are you a business owner, coach, healer, or leader in an organization or would like to be? Are you high-achieving and a hard worker? Are you heart-centered and mission-driven, and KNOW you were put here on earth to help others? 


And despite all this, do you find yourself time and time again…


  • Scared about becoming visible
  • Terrified of judgment and rejection, or family members or past co-workers rolling their eyes at you
  • Overthinking every last Instagram caption
  • Stressed about what to say in your marketing and content
  • Undercharging, and beating yourself up for it
  • Stuck inside the “spiritual closet,” unable to come out about your true spiritual beliefs and to speak freely about them
  • Stuck and self-sabotaging about your leadership goals
  • Not able to set boundaries with clients, coworkers, or even yourself
  • Unable to use your voice to say what you know is your truth and medicine?


You know it’s possible to lead and be visible in your field; you see other HSPs and empaths doing it all the time. To share openly your unique gifts, to say what’s on your mind, to post on social media or record a video or podcast and speak your truth confidently. 


But how do you get there?


Introducing the Empath Visibility Accelerator (EVA for short), a 12-week course specifically for empath and HSP leaders, entrepreneurs and visionaries who are ready to stop being scared and start being visible.


Are you ready to experience a profound shift in your life, leadership and business, guided by the transformative principles of energy work, EFT (emotional freedom technique), feng shui, inner child healing, ancestral healing and alignment? 


And to do it in community with other empaths who are dreaming big and going after their business, purpose and leadership goals, too?


Then you’ll be a great fit for EVA.


Meet your guides:


Missy Toy Ozeas: an energy intuitive, channel & teacher with a profound understanding of the power of energy and its role in personal and business transformation.


For years, Missy felt stuck and unfulfilled in her work in television but was scared to follow her true calling and gifts as an intuitive healer and channel.  She thought:


 “Who am I to call myself a healer, let alone go into business as one?”


“I’m so scared that people will make fun of me - especially my family.”


“I’ll lose all my friends.”


So Missy ignored her guides until they forced her into a 2 month sabbatical by engineering a tear in her calf muscle!  This forced bedrest began a transformative journey down the road to becoming a sought after healer and more than doubling her income while traveling the world doing what she loves most - helping people live their most authentic lives.  


Catherine Andrews: a spiritual leadership mentor and feng shui teacher who aligns your body and environment with your aspirations.


Catherine grew up in a high-achieving family then went on to have a successful corporate career in Washington, D.C., where she hung out with World Bank execs, NYTimes journalists, and politicos. So when she started realizing her spiritual gifts and desires, she had thoughts like:


“Oh f*ck.”


“Everybody is going to make fun of me and think I’m crazy.”


“This is way too cheese to actually do.”


Plus lots of fear around money and stability. She was single and 39 by the time she leapt into her coaching career, after dealing with a work environment that had turned toxic. The fear of being strong and not having other financial support was real, but she always remembered visiting a medium who told her, “Your guides’ first message is: make the leap. It’s time. Roll the dice. Because if you don’t do it now, it will be another 10 years before you have the chance.”


She took a deep breath, leapt into her purpose-filled career, and has never looked back. Since she started her work 5 years ago, she has met her fiance, purchased a 300-year-old cottage in nature with earnings from her business, and helped thousands of highly sensitive people and empaths in her courses, coaching and membership.


Missy and Catherine will lead you on a transformative 12-week  journey where you and the group community will collaboratively align your energy and environment with your visibility, leadership, mission and gifts, goals and desired outcomes.


Missy and Catherine started this program because we’ve been exactly where you are right now.


Decades into traditional corporate careers that we worked hard in, but that never fully lit us up, we each started quietly re-discovering our spiritual and energetic gifts. Missy is an energy intuitive and spirit guide & inner child communicator, meaning she can see blocks in people’s energy fields and help clear them through the help of your spirit guides. Catherine is a Tarot reader, feng shui practitioner, EFT guide and a highly sensitive person health and healing mentor.


We knew we both wanted to make the leap into these more spiritual gifts, that these were our purpose callings, but to put it plainly…


We were f*cking terrified.


Neither of us had a lot of experience being truly visible. 


We were so scared about how others (our families, coworkers, friends, randos online) would judge us for our “woo-woo” skills. 


We had big money blocks, a lot of scarcity. 


We had important things to say that were on our hearts, but that seemed to never make it past a block in our throats. 


We also had ancestral wounds from our mothers’ lineages. Powerful, talented women in our family’s history had been silenced, mocked, threatened for being visible, and we realized we were still carrying their fear and wounds.


Like so many empathetic, sensitive and spiritual women before us: 


We were scared to be seen. 


But over time, using the very principles we’ll teach you in our program, we overcame it all. 


Working with energy, in our own unique ways, we’re both now running successful spiritual businesses, showing up authentically online, and serving the thousands of people in our audiences.



  • 44, Capricorn Sun, Leo Rising, Scorpio Moon, Virgo north node, 1/ 3 generator, born and raised in the Washington, DC area
  • Has degrees in English lit and journalism, and spent over 15 years in a corporate career creating content for other people before starting her business at age 40
  • Feng shui practitioner, EFT guide, writer, leadership + business coach for empaths and highly sensitive people
  • Writes and hosts the Sunday Soother newsletter and podcast, reaching over 10,000 people
  • Has coached hundreds of HSPs in programs about dating, business, spirituality and more
  • Lives in (and purchased, on her own, with revenue from her business!) a 300-year-old log cabin in rural Virginia by a creek, that’s been a massive teacher for her feng shui practice
  • Works with flower essences, mushrooms, earth medicine and herbs for growth and healing



  • 56, Capricorn Sun, Virgo Moon, Cancer Rising, Aries north node, 2/4 generator, born and raised in the San Francisco Bay area
  • Graduated from the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts and spent years working in television, film and commercials on shows like “Last Man Standing” and “The Ranch”
  • Certified advanced Intuitive Healer, Emotion Code & Body Code & Belief Code practitioner, Reiki III practitioner, Quantum Human Design Level 1 Practitioner, Dharma Coach and Spiritual Life Coach
  • Runs a monthly energy empowerment membership The Whole Soul Journey teaching ancient energy tools and techniques, hosts Soul Circles - small group healing circles over Zoom, and works privately 1:1 with clients in her custom energy healing program Expansion
  • Has worked with clients in thousands of energy healing sessions to clear limiting beliefs, trapped emotions, ancestral wounds and other programming and conditioning to overcome fear and self-doubt and live authentically
  • Teaches an energy empowerment masterclass inside Kathrin Zenkina’s Manifestation Babe Academy
  • Married mom of 2 living in Los Angeles

Now it’s your turn


In our program, we’ll be mostly focused on what we both agree is the most important asset any empath can use when it comes to their leadership and business growth: 



Missy clears energy blocks and subconscious belief systems blocking your visibility, growth and success.  She will work with your energy to create best outcomes and she’ll share intuitive guidance from your ancestors and spirit guides (your team in the energetic realm who’s been trying to help you out all this time).


Catherine works with the energy of your home using feng shui, and helps clear energetic limiting beliefs using EFT tapping. She uses the power of nature and the sun for working to heal your body and light up your physical visibility and vitality.


We both also work with ancestral healing of matrilineal lineages, where women were silenced or had to hide their full lights.


We also both passionately believe in elevating the visibility and power of HSP and empath leaders at this moment in time. We know, without a shred of a doubt, that your medicine is needed in this world. 


Combining our unique energy gifts, we’ll help you clear your path to feeling more powerful, safe to be visible, and ready to step into your purpose-driven work.


Why energy, and how does this whole, uh, energy thing… work? 


Think about it this way: Many of us know intellectually that we struggle with visibility, feeling safe to be powerful or to be seen. We understand that overthinking what we put in our emails or Instagrams isn’t helping us. We GET that we’re stuck, we may even know exactly WHY we’re stuck (childhood issues, cultural conditioning, family lineage stuff, etc). 


And yet, we never seem to be able to change.


Why? Because the residual energy of all this past conditioning is still there.


Think of it like this: you’re stuck because you have a thick layer of dense energy over you, your beliefs, and your aspirations. It’s like trying to do Zumba while wearing a weighted blanket – aka, really effin’ hard.


When you begin to work to clear and align energy, things become more effortless. Actions you may have struggled with or that took you weeks seem easy and in flow. Limiting beliefs melt, and you kick that weighted blanket right off and start dancing.


And the best part, too? We’re not just spiritual, energetic workers (though we love that stuff). Missy and Catherine are both practical, strategy-oriented Capricorns who are into real-world action and ideas, too, so you’ll also be getting coached by two empath women who have started and are running successful spiritual business and are leaders in our field, and so you’ll get to see the tangible behind-the-scenes of it all, too!


Ready to mix the energetic with the practical to achieve your leadership, purpose and visibility goals? Here’s how it’s all going to work…


Over the course of 12 weeks, we’ll teach weekly classes on the following…


Class 1: Intention setting and calling on your “team of visibility” 

Class 2: First visibility energy clearing & Tarot readings 

Class 3: The “witch wound” and how your visibility blocks live in your ancestral line 

Class 4: Session to clear ancestral witch wounds from the group 

Class 5:  EFT to create safety in being visible 

Class 6: Session to clear past life visibility blocks 

Class 7:  Creating safety for the inner child to be visible 

Class 8: Session to clear inner child visibility blocks 

Class 9: Feng shui to create more visibility in your environment 

Class 10: Immersive experience to “Hack your Reputation” and “Create a Visibility Beacon” 

Class 11: Health, vitality & energetic strategies for the empath whose light is currently dimmed 

Class 12: Second visibility energy clearing & Tarot readings

⏰ Dates and times: Calls will be Wednesdays at 4pmPT/7pmET, weekly starting July 10 and going through September 25, with a private online community for coaching in between. Each class will be between 90-120 minutes. All classes will be recorded for replay and you will have lifetime access to the materials.

đź’° Cost: $1200, you can pay in full or do a 3-month payment plan of $400/month.

🌟 If you pay in full, you'll receive a bonus live group coaching Q & A session with Missy & Catherine as they share their path from timid and shy to purpose-led intuitive leaders.  The 90-minute bonus session is July 16 at 4 pm PT/7 pm ET. Replay provided.

While we love a live attendance, you do not have to attend live to benefit from the materials (or the energy clearings). There will also be a private online community with live coaching from Missy and Catherine on weekdays. 

đź“ž Have questions? Contact us at

Catherine: [email protected]

Missy:   [email protected]


Pay in Full


plus Bonus Q & A Session

One Payment

Monthly Payments


3 Payments of $400

3 Payments